Myo-reps in English

Myo-reps – a time-efficient method for maximum muscle growth

In 2006 I developed the first version of Myo-reps, and I later refined it to the current version in 2008. It has proven to one of the most effective tools I have ever used in both myself and my clients, and I will present the basics of it in this article. Myo-reps is, simplistically speaking, a rest-pause method, and the most famous permutation of it is DC/Doggcrapp training. Most of you probably know how to perform a rest-pause set, and I didn’t just reinvent the wheel here, I refined it building on research on hypertrophy in recent years.

edit: March 2023 – I’m working on a few revisions of this article, as well as a NEW and revised version of the Myo-reps e-book with everything I’ve learned over the years working with thousands of clients, and getting feedback from people all over the world AND based on new science!

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The short and sweet Borge Fagerli guide to getting bigger and stronger

I have previously written a few posts about what I consider the optimal program and excessive volume, and I thought it was time to do another one. As more research is done, we are getting more information about what works for most people to build a muscle bigger and stronger – and on an individual level, I have a few insights on what will work specifically for yourself when the general guidelines don’t.

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The most ignored causes when your results are lacking – Part 1: Stress

Today, it’s becoming increasingly trendy to throw around the term “living a balanced lifestyle” without actually defining it properly. It shouldn’t imply an incessant glorification of “YOLO” where you one moment are rushing through a Crossfit-WOD so intense that you’re bleeding out of your ears, and in the next you’re throwing up brownies and tequila after being smashed out of your mind all weekend.

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The Zero Carb Experience

Borge 27 Nov , 2017 82 Comments Training

There are few things as polarizing as nutrition. For some reason, it’s similar to religion in how it brings out the best and worst in people. It’s as if the foods you choose to eat defines you as a human being. And when I started posting about my experiment with eating an all-meat, zero-carbohydrate diet, I got to see this with my own eyes.

Ranging from “wow, that’s interesting, tell me more” to “wow, you are incredibly stupid, and if you promote the killing of animals for food, you deserve to be killed yourself”.

Yeah, I’m dead serious.

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Better chest training

Borge 08 Jul , 2017 42 Comments Training

Along with how to build the biceps, achieving a barrel-like chest able to hoist heavy weights is one of the most popular topics to discuss for bodybuilders all over the world, and incidentally also the muscle group with the most articles on how to train it.

Well, I might not have a great chest, and I struggled with my chest development throughout my whole lifting career until I finally figured out what worked. So rather than take training tips from someone who benched 100kg the first time they walked into a weight room, perhaps you have more to learn from someone who always sucked at benching but who still managed to triple his strength and fill out the pectorals into a respectable size.

So if you feel like you have stagnated or just want to spur some new growth in that area, bear with me and keep reading.

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